Asbestos is the name given to a group of naturally occurring fibrous minerals. There are several different types of asbestos however the most common ones are;
Chrysotile – white asbestos
Amosite – brown asbestos
Crocidolite – blue asbestos
Asbestos fibres compose of long, thin fibrous crystals with each fibre composing of many microscopic fibrils that can be released into the atmosphere by abrasion and other abrasive processes.
Because of its reinforcing strength, chemical inertness, electrical insulating and thermal insulation properties it was almost a wonder material and for many years was used within the construction sector until 1999. From then of all types of asbestos was banned making it illegal to manufacture, import or supply any asbestos containing materials within the UK due to its serious effects on human health.
To this day it can be found in many areas including;
Because the consequences of exposure can take decades to arise, thousands of people worldwide are thought to die each year from diseases related to asbestos exposure.