

The 5 year workplace health strategy

The aim of this strategy is "To encourage the improved management of workplace health thereby reducing the incidence of poor health in the Northern Ireland workforce".

The 5 year strategy covers the period 2016-2021 and focuses on the following themes (each theme has its own Action Plan):

Awareness Raising/ Education/ Communication

Awareness Raising/ Education/ Communication

Creating an increased awareness of the extent and real impact of poor workplace health, not only in industry but in society as a whole, as well as educating all on ways of improving workplace related ill-health.

Engagement, Empowerment and Support

Engagement, Empowerment and Support

Influencing any positive change in ‘workplace related ill-health’ requires buy in at a number of levels. A top down approach will only work if there is a clear understanding of the issues backed with statistics and coupled with messages that can be easily interpreted and actioned by all those at the different levels wishing to support change.

Capacity Building (including training, skills and experience)

Capacity Building (including training, skills and experience)

Understanding the need to enhance the competency skills of health and safety professionals, business managers and other professionals to effectively recognise, assess and manage workplace health.

Shaping Solutions

Shaping Solutions

Integral to reducing workplace related ill-health is the need to create (or amend) solutions that are easy to implement, administer, are cost effective, and provide real benefits to the Northern Ireland Workforce.

Partnership Working

Partnership Working

Encouraging all stakeholders to work in a collaborative manner (and across different levels) to identify and solve problems through existing provision and the development of new tools/strategies to improve workplace related ill-health.

The Strategy will be delivered through a series of annual interventions, developed to address one or more of the above requirements. Integral to the intervention targets was evidence gathered through a survey sent to Health & Safety professionals in Northern Ireland. The survey focused on how employers are managing work related ill health and had over 350 responses.

The Workplace Health Leadership Group Northern Ireland Partners are:
  • Northern Ireland Safety Group
  • Build Health
  • BOHS
  • HSE NI
  • EHNI
  • HSC Public Health Agency
  • Congress
  • IOSH NI Branch